Module 2 Group Skype - Assumption.

We had a really interesting Skype yesterday (however I was unable to talk for most of it, due to being in a room with a meeting going on). However it was really helpful and even though at times I felt even more confused about where to go from here it definitely made me think more about my practice and possible lines of enquiry.

The chat was with Adesola, Ann and Jessica. As the three of use on the course in this chat all have dance as our primary practice I felt we could all really relate to what the others had to say.

Do not assume.

This was something I took away from the chat. I was talking about role models and I assumed everyone would know what I meant, however we all had different views on what a role model and a teacher would be. This has made me realise that throughout the remainder of the course I maybe need to state what I think is obvious, but may not be for others. After all we all think in different ways and have different experiences.
